Employer of Record & PEO in Czechia - New Road to Expansion



INS Global is an international provider of PEO (Professional Employer Organization) and EOR (Employer of Record) services for companies that want to expand overseas while avoiding the red tape and complications this typically entails. A PEO is a quick and efficient way to transfer or hire employees overseas without the need for a legal or physical presence in your target country. For companies looking to expand their services safely, quickly, and cost-effectively, a PEO (Professional Employer Organization), like a global EOR, is the perfect way to access global mobility expertise. An INS Global PEO in Czechia lets companies recruit and assure HR services for employees in-country in as few as two days. An EOR (Employer of Record) acts as an employer for purposes of outsourcing complex employer responsibilities. This is particularly useful for companies looking to expand their services globally in a safe and cost-effective way. INS Global’s EOR in Czechia allows companies to follow their global expansion plans in less than 48h.
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Want to have a Team in Czechia TODAY?

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We prefer to let others grow their business.

チェコの習熟作業者派遣組織- 概要


The Advantages of a Global PEO Partner

Total Legal Compliance

A PEO provides expert legal and regulatory support to ensure you don’t make mistakes when dealing with unfamiliar local legal systems.

Faster Setup Time

A PEO can get you up and running in a new country in a matter of days

Fewer Administration Requirements

Your PEO services provider in Czechia will take care of every aspect of HR, allowing you to focus on company growth


You only need to pay a single monthly service fee per employee, saving you potentially thousands of dollars per year

Organizational Streamlining

With a single point of contact you can meet all of your HR operations requirements

How is a PEO More Advantageous than Company Incorporation?

Overseas company incorporation can be a long and complex process, involving many fees or potential penalties due to simple errors. By expanding with a global PEO or Employer Of Record services provider as a partner, you can benefit from their widespread networks and experience to accelerate setup in your market of choice.


  • Gets you started quickly
  • Requires less management input
  • Lowers costs
  • Involves less legal or regulatory risk

PEO/EOR vs Company Incorporation

The Advantage in Figures

PEO/EOR Company Incorporation
80% Less Expensive
Market Entry
2-5 Days
6 Months
Employee Turnover
Decrease by 14%
98% of the Current PEO Clients
Administrative Fees
Saves an Average of $450
Costly Payroll and Compliance Fines
Help Avoid
Company Growth Rate
7 - 9%
Closed During Pandemic
Employer of record Czechia


Manuel Ramos



We think INS Global is a good solution about starting business in new and complex markets. Understanding the market doesn’t mean you need to set up a company immediately.


How a PEO works in Czechia

  1. We meet to discuss your requirements and formulate a service plan that works best for you
  2. We provide the legal entity through which you can bring your employees into Czechia
  3. We organize all the hiring and HR management of your employees
  4. You and your staff continue operations as usual, focusing on what matters to your growth and success while we handle all of the HR and payroll operations.

How Do PEOs and EORs Differ?

While the two services are often discussed together, it’s helpful to understand their differences and how they might relate to your company.

  • A PEO is a third-party company that provides HR services to employees of other companies
  • An EOR provides the same range of services as a PEO while also legally hiring, and becoming fully responsible for, the employees of other companies
  • In a PEO agreement, the contract is made between the PEO provider and the client company
  • In an EOR agreement, the contract is directed by the client company but officially made between the provider and the employee

INS Global offers both PEO and global EOR services in Czechia. You are free to choose whichever service best suits your requirements.

Labor Law in Czechia

Employment Contracts in Czechia

Contracts made in Czechia must comply with the Labor Code, State Labor Inspectorate, respective Collective Bargaining Agreement, and Employment Act in order to be considered legitimate. Employment contracts in Czechia must be written form. Fixed-Term contracts cannot exceed 3 years or be repeated more than twice.

Work Hours and Overtime in Czechia

An average workweek consists of around 40 hours over 5 days. 12 hours per shift is the maximum allowed at one time.

Work hours over the average number set out in the contract should be paid at a premium of 125%.

Holidays and Annual Leave

After 1 year of service with a company, employees are eligible for a minimum of 4 weeks paid annual leave.

There are 13 days of annual public holidays in Czechia, and employers are expected to arrange for time off or compensation if an employee must work during these times.

Sick Leave in Czechia

Employees in Czechia are eligible for up to 380 days of paid sick leave. Sick leave is reimbursed through a sickness benefit up to a maximum amount. For the first 14 days, the employer pays the benefit, and afterward, it is paid by the government.

Maternity and Paternity Leave in Czechia

Female employees are eligible for up to 28 weeks of maternity leave, at least 6 weeks of which must be taken before the expected due date. Maternity leave benefit is 70% average gross salary.

Paid paternity leave in Czechia is 2 weeks as of 2022.

Tax Law and Social Security Contributions in Czechia

Corporate tax in Czechia is 19%. As of 2021, residents in Czechia are taxed at a flat rate of 15%. Those who earn above an upper threshold are taxed at 23%.

Social security contributions are used to fund pension, unemployment, and sickness benefits.

Employers in Czechia should expect to contribute 24.8% of an employee’s salary towards their social security contributions and 9% toward health insurance. Employee rates are 6.5% and 4.5%, respectively.



Discover More Solutions in Czechia



外資系企業は、各国に現地法人を設立するか、現地の PEO (Professional Employment Organization) のサービスを利用して現地でスタッフを直接雇用することができます。

登録雇用主は、特定の国で雇用されているスタッフに対して責任を負う法人です。 実際には、外国企業は子会社を設立して海外従業員の登録雇用主になるか、PEOを使用して登録雇用主として行動することができます。


一般的に、既存の PEO を記録上の従業員として使用して、従業員が海外に拠点を置くには 1 か月が必要です。 新しい子会社を正式な雇用主として設立する場合、遅延は 4 ~ 12 か月です。

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