PEO & Employer of Record Spain | INS Global



Our PEO service, otherwise known as a global Employer of Record (EOR), works in Spain as your local partner and assists you as you expand into a new market. Our PEO allows your business to outsource its HR services when entering the Spanish market without the need to create a distinct legal entity.  

Like an international EOR, a PEO (Professional Employer Organization) provides companies with a way to simply and securely expand their operations overseas by outsourcing critical HR services to a third-party provider like INS Global. With a PEO in Spain, companies can office compliance assurance to employees worldwide in less than 72 hours.

When businesses need support throughout the global expansion process, an Employer of Record (EOR) in Spain offers cost-effective utility by taking care of employer responsibilities. Hire or transfer employees in markets worldwide in a fraction of the time of traditional methods with INS Global’s innovative employment outsourcing solution.

PEOs are the perfect way to provide your company with multiple advantages to increase your competitive edge and limit your risks. Our PEO works to legally employ your staff, manage payroll in Spain, and handle employee benefits packages. Our numerous services will save your company money, limit wasted time, and avoid complications from misinterpreting local regulations.  

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We prefer to let others grow their business.

Want to have a Team in Spain TODAY?

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We prefer to let others grow their business.

スペインの習熟作業者派遣組織 - Summary

How a PEO Benefits Your Global Expansion

Expert Legal Advice

A PEO can offer proficiency in local regulations and accurate best practices for local administrative procedures that keep your company in constant legal compliance.

Reduced Time for Market Entry

Estimated time for Company Incorporation in Spain: 4-12 months  

Estimated time to establish a PEO in Spain: 5 days  

Increased Focus on Expansion

A PEO will provide payroll outsourcing in Spain alongside recruitment and compliance management services. When your company isnt spending valuable time on these issues, you can focus on growth. 

Simple Market Entry & Lower Costs

When entering into a new market, like Spain, simple HR mistakes might lead to a disproportionate occurrence of fees and fines that slow your business down. A PEO will reduce these risks, decrease market entry time, and save money.  

One Point of Contact

Everything your business could need can be provided by one point of contact. This decreases risks and gives you personalized, custom solutions. 

The Best Market Entry Strategy: PEO or Company Incorporation?

Incorporating your company in Spain can be an excessively complex, risky, and time-consuming process. It often requires a deep understanding of local regulations and the rules for establishing a physical entity within the country. Our PEO in Spain will allow you to operate your business without going through numerous confusing steps required to incorporate a new legal entity.  


  • Saves time 
  • Saves money 
  • Limits potential bureaucratic or legal pitfalls 
  • Utilizes local networks and expertise

PEO/EOR vs Company Incorporation

The Advantage in Figures

PEO/EOR Company Incorporation
80% Less Expensive
Market Entry
2-5 Days
6 Months
Employee Turnover
Decrease by 14%
98% of the Current PEO Clients
Administrative Fees
Saves an Average of $450
Costly Payroll and Compliance Fines
Help Avoid
Company Growth Rate
7 - 9%
Closed During Pandemic


Manuel Ramos


Managing Director

INS グローバルは、新しく複雑な市場でビジネスを開始するための優れたソリューションであると考えています。 市場を理解したからといって、すぐに会社設立する必要があるわけではありません。


Starting a PEO Agreement in Spain

INS Global’s PEO can manage employee recruitment and assignment needs in Spain in 4 steps:

  1. We speak with you to create an in-depth strategy to match your company needs
  2. Our PEO specialists in Spain provide a high level of legal expertise, which you can use to establish yourself and begin operations smoothly
  3. Our experts handle all the legal aspects of recruiting and employing your staff so that you can focus on more critical elements of business
  4. Your employees will be able to continue focusing on their daily operations in Spain while we manage HR services and payroll 

Which to Choose, Employer of Record or PEO in Spain?

Once youve decided to expand into the Spanish market, choosing between  PEO and Employer of Record services can seem confusing. Its necessary to understand their unique differences so that you can be fully informed and make the best decision for your company.

  • A PEO is a separate business that outsources HR services to employees working at other companies. 
  • These outsourced services can include payroll outsourcing, tax filings, and consulting on legal regulation compliance.
  • An EOR is a separate business that acts similarly to a PEO, but it will also maintain legal liability for hiring employees on behalf of other companies.
  • With a PEO agreement, the employment contract between your company and the employee remains. 
  • With an EOR agreement, the employment contract is directed by your company but legally made between the EOR and your employee.

INS Global provides both PEO and EOR services in Spain to meet your demand. Contact us today to learn more about which service might be best for you.  

Labor Law in Spain

Employment Contracts Spain

In general, Spanish Labor Legislation allows for the freedom of form whenever creating a new employment contract. Contracts may be made verbally or in writing. However, either party reserves the right to demand an agreement in writing.  

Employment contracts are presumed to be for an indefinite duration. However, there are a limited amount of definite-term employment arrangements in Spain. Once the employee has worked past the original term of a temporary agreement, the relationship will be considered indefinite. The employee will then be entitled to standard severance upon termination.  Also, you may be aware of the Special Expat Tax Regime (SETR) for foreign employees when wanting to expand to Spain or attract top personnel for an established company there. Known as “Beckham Law“.

Working Hours/Public Holidays in Spain

For companies willing to enter the Spanish market and begin operations, understanding the generally applicable labor laws on working hours and public holidays is advantageous.  

The maximum legal working hours per day in Spain is 9 hours, to a total of 40 hours per week. The calculation of these working hours is an average calculated annually, which means that the working hours may be distributed irregularly throughout the year as long as this is stated in the employment contract and the employee still receives rest periods.

Employees are entitled to a paid annual leave of at least 30 days per year. Additionally, all employees are entitled to 14 paid public holidays every year. 

The official public holidays recognized throughout all of Spain are:

  • 1st of January – New Years Day  
  • 1st of May – Labor Day 
  • 12th of October – National Day 
  • 6th of December – Constitution Day 
  • 19th of April – Good Friday 
  • 15th of August – Assumption Day 
  • 1st of November – All Saint’s Day 
  • 25th of December – Christmas Day 


In addition to these national public holidays, there are an additional 4 public holidays that vary according to different regions in the country. Finally, each municipality in Spain determines 2 local public holidays.  

Sick Leave in Spain

Employees in Spain can be eligible for up to a full year of paid sick leave via social insurance. This leave can even be extended to 18 months under special circumstances.

Once they receive proof of incapacity from a doctor, the employer is responsible for paying for the initial period of sick leave allowance. After that, all costs are paid by social security. In these cases, it is the responsibility of the employer to apply for leave allowance on behalf of the employee.  

Sick leave allowance is calculated as: 

  • Days 1-3: No required pay 
  • Days 4-20: The employer pays 60% standard salary 
  • Days 21+: Social Security pays 75% standard salary   

Maternity/Paternity Leave in Spain

As of 2021, parental leave is now 16 weeks for both parents paid for through Social Security.  6 weeks of parental leave must be taken immediately following the birth, and the remaining 10 weeks can be taken at any time during the first 12 months.  

Tax Law in Spain


The general corporate income tax (CIT) in Spain is 25%. Other taxes may be applicable, depending on the type of company and the type of business. Resident companies in Spain are taxed on their worldwide income. For PEs (Permanent Establishments) in Spain of foreign companies, NRIT (non-resident income tax) will be chargeable on any income allocated to the PE at a rate of 25%.  

Individual/Employer Social Contribution Rates

In Spain, both employee and employer must make contributions to Spain’s social insurances alongside paying taxes. 

 These contributions are Social Security (for health-related issues), Unemployment Insurance, and Professional Training.  

The following table details the rates of social contributions required for certain businesses operating in Spain:

  Employer Rate  Wages Rate  Total 
Social security: health  23.60%  4.70%  28.30% 
Unemployment insurance  5.50%  1.55%  7.05% 
Guarantee fund for employees  0.20%    0.20% 
Vocational training  0.60%  0.10%  0.70% 
Total  29.90%  6.35%  36.25% 
Occupational accident  Variable (between 0.90 and 7.30%)     
Income Tax

Personal income is taxed progressively using the following brackets:

  • 19% for the first EUR 6,000 of taxable income. 
  • 21% for EUR 6,000 to EUR 50,000 of taxable income. 
  • 23% EUR 50,000 to EUR 200,000 of taxable income. 
  • 26% for any amounts over EUR 200,000. 


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間違いなく、EOR は、スペインで従業員を移動または雇用するための安全で便利な合法的な方法を提供します。 時間をかけて独自の会社構造を構築すると、このジョブ オプションも永続的に機能します。

もちろん、EOR はスペイン全土および国際的に、あなたに代わって従業員を雇うことができます。

新入社員の給与に加えて、社会保険料やボーナス、インセンティブなどの間接費も会社が負担しなければなりません。 珍しいことではありますが、インセンティブに署名することで、潜在的な雇用主に対して目立つようになる可能性があります。

一部の PEO 企業のサービスを利用している間、雇用できる従業員の最小数または最大数が存在する場合があります。 ただし、INS Global では、開発戦略に必要な数のスタッフを監督することができます。


当社の採用担当者は、専門的なネットワークとビジネス用のオフラインおよびオンラインのリソースにアクセスでき、現地の規範とベスト プラクティスに関する知識を持っています。

スペインでは、専門の人材派遣会社または人材紹介会社が、新入社員の月給の割合として決定される人材紹介料を請求することがよくあります。 これらのサービスは、INS Global によって提供される場合があります。INS Global は、それらを当社の PEO システムと完全に統合して、包括的な雇用アウトソーシング パッケージを提供することもできます。

もちろん、スペイン国民も海外居住者も、INS Global の採用、PEO、および EOR サービスを利用できます。

スペインの従業員は毎月支払われます。 CBA(多数のスペイン人労働者を含む)で働く従業員も、1月と12月に追加の給与を受け取る可能性があります。


現在、スペインの最低賃金は 14 か月で月額総額 1,080 ユーロです (ほとんどの労働者は年に 2 回のボーナスを受け取っているため、12 か月で計算した月の最低賃金は 1,260 ユーロになります)。


スペインでは最近、従業員に新しい権利を認める法律が承認されました。これには、自宅で仕事をする自由や、時間外に仕事関連の電子メールへの返信を控える能力が含まれます。 雇用主は、これらすべておよびその他の法律や規制を確実に遵守する必要があります。

従業員に代わって給与期間ごとに控除と支払いを管理することに加えて、雇用主は社会保障への拠出を組織する必要があります。 スペインでは、社会保障の支払いは総給与に基づいています。 従業員の場合は最大 6%、雇用主の場合は最大 31% になります。


スペインの雇用法は、最低賃金、産休、育休、有給休暇、残業、病気、退職、保険をカバーしています。 輸送支援、割引、および潜在的な労働者を引き付けるために企業が提供したい利点は、付加給付の例です。

小さな変更は従業員の同意を必要とせずに行うことができますが、大きな変更は交渉後に行う必要があります。 どんなに小さな変更であっても、すべての変更について従業員にインフォームド コンセントを提供することは、今でもベスト プラクティスと見なされています。



または、会社での勤務年ごとに、従業員は退職金として 20 日間の給与を期待できます (最大で 12 か月相当まで)。雇用主が従業員にこの期間の給与を支払う場合、最低 15 日の通知期間は無視される場合があります。

いいえ、実際、最近の法改正のおかげで、リモートワークはスペインの労働法に完全に統合されました。 リモートの従業員は、オフィス ワーカーとまったく同じ権利を持っている必要があります。 さらに、ビザに関する法律の変更により、スペインで働く期間が 3 年未満の従業員は、リモート ワーク ビザを申請できるようになります。

労働省は、スペインの労働に関する規制の最も包括的なリストを保証します。 この文書は、労働者法 (Estatuto de los Trabajadores) として知られています。. 

スペインの祝日は、従業員が勤務する地域によって大きく異なります。10 日から 18 日の間で変動し、従業員が勤務する必要がない限り、標準的な就業日の割合で支払われます。

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