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Global Insights

How to Hire a Foreigner in China: This article describes the complexities found by foreign companies when hiring foreign workers in China.
Perhaps you have recently made your entry into the Chinese market or are planning to do so. This is a new area of tremendous opportunities...
WFOEs and ROs are two quite different entry solutions. One must know the different characteristics, advantages, and limitations of each
It is difficult for most people to distinguish the difference between employment agreements and service agreements. Thus, sometimes they suffer from severe...
The electronics industry in China has developed rapidly over the last few decades. China overtook the United States and became the largest consumer electronic...
For the past two decades three major topics have kept coming back in China: pollution, fast growing economy and fast paced Chinese tourism growth.
The Chinese market is not very homogeneous. Keep in mind that China is huge; consumption habits are different across regions, ethnic groups, etc.

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