Hire New Talent Easily with a Recruitment Agency in Ireland

Recruitment Agency in Ireland

Recruit Locally, Work Globally

Ireland has done remarkably well as a business hub in recent years, leading to many opportunities for both local and foreign employees. The upside of this is that there is a large pool of educated candidates; however, the downside is that finding top-tier candidates is always a challenge.

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Many tech hubs and multinational companies are located in Ireland, making competition for the best employees fierce. Finding candidates who may suit the specific needs of your company and the requirements of a role may not be as easy as expected.

With the help of INS Global, your business can gain access to the candidate market in and around Ireland, removing the long and arduous process of finding the right staff.

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We prefer to let others grow their business.

Recruitment Agency in Ireland - Summary

Recruitment Agency in Ireland


How Does The Recruitment Process Work in Ireland?


Building a Candidate Profile


Initial Search


Final Selection

We build the perfect candidate profile to fulfill your company’s requirements.

To do this, we learn about you and your business, the skills or experience you need, and anything else that we can find out that will help to match you with candidates that match your needs and align with your goals and values.

We map the perfect candidate and put all of our local resource channels and networks to use by screening and selecting the best candidates to go through to the interview stage.

Once all the interviews have been conducted and a candidate has been selected, we can move on to the hiring phase together. As we advance, we continue to assist in formulating an official job offer and additional support throughout the onboarding process.

Once you have found and hired the perfect new member of your team, INS Global can offer a range of other services to improve and streamline your operations in Ireland. These include global PEO and EOR services, payroll outsourcing, contractor management, and more.


Building a Candidate Profile

We build the perfect candidate profile to fulfill your company’s requirements.

To do this, we learn about you and your business, the skills or experience you need, and anything else that we can find out that will help to match you with candidates that match your needs and align with your goals and values.


Initial Search

We map the perfect candidate and put all of our local resource channels and networks to use by screening and selecting the best candidates to go through to the interview stage.


Final Selection

Once all the interviews have been conducted and a candidate has been selected, we can move on to the hiring phase together. As we advance, we continue to assist in formulating an official job offer and additional support throughout the onboarding process.

Once you have found and hired the perfect new member of your team, INS Global can offer a range of other services to improve and streamline your operations in Ireland. These include global PEO and EOR services, payroll outsourcing, contractor management, and more.

The Advantages of Recruitment Process Outsourcing in Ireland

Improved Candidate Quality

Using an outsourcing partner assures that your business only deals with the best candidates available. This prevents you and your staff from using unnecessary time and resources to search for and look through an endless pool of candidates.

Professional Tools and Services

You only have to provide our recruitment staff with the details necessary to take care of the rest. Our team uses the most innovative tools and techniques available to industry professionals. We will do all the required background checks and candidate screening to ensure the final shortlist has only skilled and experienced profiles.

The Best Local Networks and Resources

The recruitment agency in Ireland will have access to a larger candidate pool than would be possible through internal recruitment. Our experienced team of recruitment specialists can also approach a wide range of passive candidates ideally suited for the role at your company.

Time and Cost Reduction

Outsourcing a function like recruitment allows you to focus on other elements of your business and concentrate on your core business functions. This saves your business time, resources, and effort.

Assured Compliance

Our recruitment experts work alongside our legal team to ensure you and your new hires are compliant with all aspects of local labor law and regulations. This way, there are no costly surprises down the road.

INS Global Has a Team of Experts in Each Sector

We can find the best talent in Ireland thanks to our experts with knowledge in more than 20 industries.

Software and IT

Import and Export



Real Estate


Life Science

Energy and Greentech

Media and Entertainment



Food and Beverage



Non-Profit Organization

Software and IT


Import and Export

Life Science


Energy and Greentech


Media and Entertainment


Non-Profit Organization

Food and Beverage

Real Estate






Manuel Ramos


Managing Director

We think INS Global is a good solution about starting business in new and complex markets. Understanding the market doesn’t mean you need to set up a company immediately.


Recruitment Platforms in Ireland

With the high number of multinational companies located in Ireland, there are many popular online platforms for job seekers and companies seeking staff members. Some of the most used platforms include Jobs Ireland and What Jobs, aiming to connect job seekers and employers.

While not suffering from problems commonly associated with overseas recruitment, such as language barriers, there are some common problems with using these platforms. With staff shortages ongoing across the country, top-quality candidates may be hard to attract, meaning you have to use every advantage available to stand out from the crowd.

INS Global in Ireland

INS Global has provided top-quality international recruitment and HR outsourcing services to over 80 countries for more than 15 years. Our recruitment specialists can offer you the recruitment outsourcing service you need to find the very best talent in Ireland.

Our tailor-made recruitment outsourcing solution can match you with high-quality candidates and help you begin operations in a fraction of the time it would take via in-house recruitment.

Contact our recruitment team today to begin your search with our team of expert professionals.

Recruitment Agency in Ireland


Discover More Solutions in Ireland


No, it is necessary to use a local entity abroad to comply with each country labor law.

Foreign companies can either set up a local entity in each country or use the services a local PEO (Professional Employment Organization) to hire the staff on-site directly.

The employer of record is the legal entity liable for the staff employed in a specific country. In practice, a foreign company can either open a subsidiary to become the employer of record of its abroad employees or use a PEO to act as the employer of record.

Liabilities may vary from country to country and include all the staff management responsibilities: labor contract issues, payroll management, and tax compliance, social security management, expenses claim declaration, hiring and termination
procedures, etc.

In general, 1-month is necessary to have an employee based out abroad using an existing PEO as the employe of record. When incorporating a new subsidiary to be the employer of record, the delay varies from 4-12 months.

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