Small and Medium Enterprises | INS Global

Small and Medium Enterprises

How Can INS Global Help Small and Medium Enterprises

Are you working for a small to a medium-sized company? Are you looking to expand into new markets while conscious of the costs and risks involved? Expanding efficiently in a way that makes the most of opportunities while avoiding the high costs or errors related to unfamiliar local administrative regulations is difficult. Necessary local resources and networks may not always be accessible to those unaccustomed to the new market. An experienced local partner with experience in global expansion can give you the support you need to expand confidently.
INS Global provides essential HR outsourcing services and expert support and guidance for companies wishing to make the most of international opportunities while also maintaining maximum efficiency.

5 Advantages of PEOs and EORs for Small or Medium Enterprises

Streamlining Company Structure

For companies that may not have the budget or staffing to operate entire HR departments that can manage HR operations for overseas workers, PEOs provide all the services required to function efficiently.

Reduced Workload

Ensuring proper payroll for a company is a complex and time-consuming process. By working with INS Global to ensure that all of your HR services are taken care of, you can free up your employees to perform tasks more crucial for your business goals. Your staff can make the most of their time and skills while we offer ours to help you succeed.

Local Regulatory Compliance

Fines or penalties associated with misunderstanding local administrative systems can be especially painful for small to medium-sized businesses. Our team of legal experts can ensure you are secure at all times while also avoiding many of the more complicated aspects of local bureaucracy.

Cost and Time Efficient

Making the most of opportunities as they present themselves in a manageable way is vital for smaller to medium-sized businesses. INS Global works with you whatever your needs to provide you with tailor-made and expertly designed outsourcing services.


Our services are designed to work with you at each stage of your growth as your operations expand. INS Global provides PEO services that allow you to enter a new market in a matter of days rather than the months expected through the incorporation of a new legal entity. Just as easy as it is to enter a new market through our global PEO, you can decrease your operations efficiently and simply if it becomes necessary.

Streamlining Company Structure

For companies that may not have the budget or staffing to operate entire HR departments that can manage HR operations for overseas workers, PEOs provide all the services required to function efficiently.

Reduced Workload

Ensuring proper payroll for a company is a complex and time-consuming process. By working with INS Global to ensure that all of your HR services are taken care of, you can free up your employees to perform tasks more crucial for your business goals. Your staff can make the most of their time and skills while we offer ours to help you succeed.

Local Regulatory Compliance

Fines or penalties associated with misunderstanding local administrative systems can be especially painful for small to medium-sized businesses. Our team of legal experts can ensure you are secure at all times while also avoiding many of the more complicated aspects of local bureaucracy.

Cost and Time Efficient

Making the most of opportunities as they present themselves in a manageable way is vital for smaller to medium-sized businesses. INS Global works with you whatever your needs to provide you with tailor-made and expertly designed outsourcing services.


Our services are designed to work with you at each stage of your growth as your operations expand. INS Global provides PEO services that allow you to enter a new market in a matter of days rather than the months expected through the incorporation of a new legal entity. Just as easy as it is to enter a new market through our global PEO, you can decrease your operations efficiently and simply if it becomes necessary. 

See What Our Clients Say

testimonial from Manuel Ramos

Manuel Ramos


Managing Director

We think INS Global is a good solution about starting in a market like China. Understanding the market doesn’t mean you need to set up a company immediately.



No, it is necessary to use a local entity abroad to comply with each country labor law.

Foreign companies can either set up a local entity in each country or use the services a local PEO (Professional Employment Organization) to hire the staff on-site directly.

The employer of record is the legal entity liable for the staff employed in a specific country. In practice, a foreign company can either open a subsidiary to become the employer of record of its abroad employees or use a PEO to act as the employer of record.

Liabilities may vary from country to country and include all the staff management responsibilities: labor contract issues, payroll management, and tax compliance, social security management, expenses claim declaration, hiring and termination
procedures, etc.

In general, 1-month is necessary to have an employee based out abroad using an existing PEO as the employe of record. When incorporating a new subsidiary to be the employer of record, the delay varies from 4-12 months.

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