Employer of Record (EOR) in the Netherlands in 2024

Employer of Record in the Netherlands (EOR in the Netherlands)

Hire Globally, Pay Locally, Expand Effortlessly

The Netherlands, renowned for its open economy and strategic location in Europe, presents vast opportunities for international businesses. However, effectively navigating the Dutch regulatory environment, including labor laws and tax regulations, can be challenging. This is where an Employer of Record (EOR) in the Netherlands can be invaluable, acting as your local partner to ensure a seamless market entry and ongoing compliance with all necessary regulations.

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Want to Have a Team in the Netherlands TODAY?

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We prefer to let others grow their business.

How an Employer of Record in the Netherlands Operates in 3 Steps

Step 1 – Comprehensive Planning & Needs Assessment

Your journey with an EOR in the Netherlands, like INS Global, begins with an in-depth consultation to understand your business goals. This involves discussing the number of employees, their specific roles, and your timeline for expanding into the Netherlands, ensuring that the EOR can customize their services to meet your specific needs.

Step 2 – Streamlined Setup, Recruitment & Onboarding

Whether you are forming a new team in the Netherlands or relocating existing employees, an EOR manages all legal processes by legally employing staff locally on your behalf. This includes handling visas and work permits, organizing payroll, contract management, and ensuring full compliance with Dutch labor laws. By acting as your legal employer in the Netherlands from the start, the EOR eliminates the need for you to establish a local entity, saving you significant time and resources.

Step 3 – Ongoing Management & Compliance Assurance

Once your employees are operational in the Netherlands, an EOR oversees ongoing HR and payroll functions. This includes processing salaries, managing employee benefits, and ensuring compliance with health insurance and social security contributions. EORs serve as the HR interface between you and your Dutch team, managing administrative tasks and addressing employee concerns, allowing you to concentrate on business growth with confidence.

Infographic | INS Global
Employer of record netherlands

Employer of Record in the Netherlands (EOR in the Netherlands) - Summary

The Advantages of a Dutch EOR

World-Class Setup

An EOR simplifies the complexities of the Dutch tax system and labor laws, ensuring your business is compliant from the outset.

Compliance Assurance Expertise

Dutch regulations can be complex, but EORs possess the expertise and experience to keep your business compliant with local tax laws, labor regulations, and social security contributions.

Liability Minimization

Acting as your legal employer in the Netherlands, an EOR mitigates the risks associated with employment regulations and ensures adherence to all compliance requirements.

Business-Focused Support

Delegating HR tasks such as recruitment, payroll processing, and tax management to your EOR allows you to concentrate on core business activities.

Cost Structures

EOR services are often more economical than setting up a local subsidiary, especially for smaller teams or temporary projects. They help you avoid initial incorporation costs and ongoing administrative burdens like hiring in-house HR staff.


Manuel Ramos


Managing Director

We think INS Global is a good solution about starting business in new and complex markets. Understanding the market doesn’t mean you need to set up a company immediately.


How to Choose Between an EOR and Company Incorporation in the Netherlands

While establishing a subsidiary in the Netherlands is often considered the default option for local expansion, opting for an EOR offers several comparative advantages:
  • Speed – The business setup process in the Netherlands is expedited with an EOR like INS Global, enabling you to start operations and hire staff much faster. Company incorporation can take several months of planning and documentation, whereas an EOR can have your team operational within weeks or even days.
  • Compliance – Both EORs and subsidiaries must comply with Dutch tax laws and labor regulations at all times when employing local staff. However, EORs have the specialized knowledge to handle these complexities and ensure continuous compliance without the need for in-house experts.
  • Cost – For small teams or temporary needs, EOR services are often more cost-effective than establishing a subsidiary, as you avoid upfront incorporation expenses and ongoing administrative costs. For larger companies, EORs provide specialized streamlining options that help you efficiently integrate new markets into multicounty payroll systems.
  • Control – While incorporation offers full control over HR, finances, and operations, EORs can provide a similar level of control over your workforce while reducing your administrative responsibilities and liability.

5 Essential Factors for Selecting the Best Employer of Record in the Netherlands

Choosing the right EOR in the Netherlands is crucial for successful market entry. Consider these 5 key factors:

  • Experience and Track Record – Seek an EOR in the Netherlands with proven experience and a strong industry reputation like INS Global. Look for client testimonials and industry accolades as indicators of reliability.
  • Comprehensive Service Offerings – Ensure the EOR in the Netherlands provides all necessary services or can customize their offerings to suit your needs. This may include visa and work permit support, payroll processing, tax compliance, and navigating the Dutch tax and labor regulations.
  • Scalability – Opt for an EOR in the Netherlands that can scale its services as your business grows. Their staff should be capable of managing an increasing workforce and evolving business requirements as your needs change.
  • Clear Communication and Transparency – Choose an EOR in the Netherlands known for providing clear and consistent communication. They should keep you informed about regulatory updates, impending deadlines, and potential issues. Look for a dedicated point of contact and online tools for easy access to essential information.
  • Transparent Cost Structure – Compare the pricing models of different EOR providers in the Netherlands. Ensure their fees are transparent and competitive with no hidden costs. Third-party advice can help you get the best value for your EOR in the Netherlands.

The Netherlands: Labor Law Overview

  • Employment Contracts – Contracts must be in Dutch or English and outline employment terms including salary, benefits, working hours, termination clauses, and minimum wage requirements. An EOR in the Netherlands ensures your contracts comply with Dutch labor law and protect your interests.
  • Probationary Periods – Probation periods in the Netherlands typically last up to 2 months. An EOR in the Netherlands can help set up probation periods that comply with local laws while allowing you to assess new employees.
  • Working Hours – Standard work hours in the Netherlands are usually 40 hours per week with limits on overtime. EOR services assist in tracking work hours and ensuring compliance with overtime regulations to prevent penalties.
  • Paid Leave – Employees in the Netherlands are entitled to various types of paid leave including public holidays, annual leave, sick leave, and maternity leave. An EOR manages leave requests and ensures proper compensation according to Dutch labor laws.
  • Health Insurance and Social Security – Both employers and employees contribute to health insurance and social security schemes. Your EOR handles these contributions as part of the payroll process.
  • Severance Pay – Severance pay is legally required in certain situations such as termination without cause. An EOR guides you through severance pay practices and calculations to ensure compliance with local laws.
Navigating these complexities in-house can be challenging and time-consuming. Partnering with an EOR in the Netherlands ensures your business remains compliant with labor laws, protecting you from potential risks and allowing you to focus on growth.
Employer of Record in the Netherlands (EOR in the Netherlands)


Discover More Solutions in the Netherlands


An EOR handles all legal, HR, and compliance tasks, ensuring your business adheres to the Netherlands’ labor and tax regulations, providing peace of mind.

Using an EOR in the Netherlands can be more cost-effective than setting up a local subsidiary, eliminating initial incorporation costs and reducing ongoing administrative expenses.

Yes, a Dutch EOR manages the entire visa and work permit application process, ensuring compliance with local immigration laws and regulations.

Industries such as logistics, technology, and finance benefit significantly from EOR services in the Netherlands due to the specialized knowledge required for compliance.

EORs have local experts who stay updated on regulatory changes, managing all compliance aspects to ensure your business adheres to Dutch tax laws.

While the EOR is the legal employer, you retain significant control over day-to-day management and operational decisions regarding your employees.

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