Phishing scams and impersonation attempts are becoming more common, targeting businesses and individuals alike in order to steal private data or divert interests. Scammers have adopted new tactics, such as using less regulated social media platforms like Telegram or ever-changing phishing patterns, to deceive people by impersonating legitimate companies like INS Global. With the rise of these threats, it is more important than ever to be vigilant and know how to identify and protect yourself from these recruitment scams.
As INS Global’s name has increasingly been exploited as a mask by scammers attacking companies seeking legitimate expansion services, this article will provide you with the knowledge and resources to safeguard yourself from phishing attacks and ensure you are only communicating with INS Global’s verified channels.
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INS Global’s Official Channels
One of the most effective ways to protect yourself from phishing and impersonation scams is to ensure you are only engaging with official and verified communication channels. INS Global is committed to ensuring the safety of its clients and contacts, which is why we maintain strict controls over our official communication platforms.
Our channels:
- Website:
- LinkedIn:
- Youtube:
- X:
- Facebook:
Only Trust Verified Communications from Our Website and Social Media
To protect yourself from HR company impersonation scams, you must verify that all communication is coming from our authorized and verified platforms. Scammers may create fake websites or profiles that can closely resemble legitimate companies.
Fake websites, profiles, or emails can often be spotted through the errors they contain, such as spelling mistakes or blurry images. Take the time to check for issues and ensure that you are interacting with official channels by double-checking links and email addresses before engaging.
INS Global uses a few key communication channels for engaging with all of our clients and potential employees:
- Our Official Website – Always verify that you are visiting the legitimate INS Global website by typing or copying the URL directly into your browser rather than clicking on links in emails or messages.
- Verified Social Media Accounts – INS Global operates verified social media profiles on platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter, as in the list above. These accounts will have verified badges and use consistent brand imaging.
- Company Email Addresses – Our official email communications will always come from an address. Be wary of any emails claiming to be from INS Global but using suspicious or mismatched email domains.
How to Identify Common Recruitment Scams
Phishing attacks claiming to be communication from INS Global are designed to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information, often through deceptive emails or messages. While scammers have become more sophisticated, there are still often ways to recognize the warning signs.
Typical Signs of Phishing Emails and Suspicious Messages
Phishing emails often contain a few key red flags:
- Generic Greetings – Scammers frequently use generic salutations such as « Dear user » instead of addressing you by name.
- Urgent Language – Messages contained in these scam emails often pressure you to take immediate action due to a perceived or exaggerated threat. Email which push you to such actions as providing personal information or clicking on an unverifiable link are likely scams.
- Suspicious Links – Hover over links in the message to check their destination before clicking. If the link looks unfamiliar or doesn’t match the official INS Global website, it’s a scam.
Red Flags in Telegram Accounts and Other Fake Social Media Profiles
Telegram HR scams are becoming increasingly common due to the platform’s weaker regulation and its lesser popularity, making many unaware of how to tell the difference between real and fake company communications. In the case of INS Global, we will never contact you by Telegram, making it easy to spot a scam. However, fraudulent accounts on popular social media platforms may still pose as legitimate HR representatives to steal personal or financial information. Here’s how to spot them:
- Unverified Profiles – Official company social media accounts should have a verified badge. If the profile lacks this or the username seems off, it could be a scam.
- Unprofessional Language – Scammers often send poorly written or awkward messages. Authentic INS Global representatives will always communicate professionally and formally whether it’s by email or social media.
- Requests for Private Information – Any request for confidential details, especially early in the communication process, is a major red flag. Legitimate recruiters will never ask for sensitive data over unverified channels.
Common Tactics Used by Scammers Pretending to Be INS Global
Scammers impersonating INS Global via email or social media platforms may use a variety of tactics, such as:
- Fake Job Offers – Be cautious of unsolicited job offers or recruitment messages. Always verify their legitimacy by cross-referencing them on our official channels, such as on our job openings page here.
- Payment Requests – INS Global will never request payment or sensitive financial information as part of a job application or recruitment process.
- Impersonating Real Employees – Scammers may impersonate real INS Global staff using their names or photos to appear legitimate. However, this can be checked by comparing the emails they use with those found through our website or official contact information.
Tips to Protect Yourself from Phishing and Scams
By taking proactive steps, you can significantly reduce your chances of falling victim to recruitment phishing scams or other fraud attempts.
Verify Suspicious Messages by Contacting Us Directly
If you receive an unexpected or suspicious message that you want to verify, do not respond or provide any information immediately. Instead, contact us directly through any of the communication channels found above and we can confirm if the message you’ve received is genuine or not. We appreciate being contacted about potential scam messages as each time we uncover potential scams it helps us to provide safe and effective services.
Check for Official Links and Social Media Accounts
Always ensure that the links in emails or messages you receive correspond with official INS Global platforms. Before clicking on any link, hover over it to preview the destination URL, and only engage with verified social media accounts or company profiles.
Avoid Providing Personal or Financial Information Online
Never provide sensitive personal or financial information in response to unsolicited emails, messages, or social media interactions. INS Global will never ask for such information via these channels.
Reporting Phishing and Scam Attempts
If you encounter suspicious activity involving someone claiming to represent INS Global, it’s crucial to report it immediately. Taking action can help protect yourself and others from these types of scams.
How to Report Suspicious Messages or Emails to INS Global
You can report phishing emails or suspicious messages to INS Global by reaching out to our official support team through our website. Please include the full message and sender information so that we can investigate and take the necessary steps.
Take Steps to Report Fake Telegram and Social Media Accounts
If you come across a fake Telegram account or fraudulent social media profile pretending to be INS Global, report it directly to the platform. Most social media services have easy-to-use reporting tools for these types of violations.
Alerting Authorities and Social Media Platforms to Scammers
In cases of ongoing or serious scam attempts, it’s also essential to notify local authorities or cybersecurity agencies. INS Global reports scams to law enforcement agencies that can help track and shut down scammers, protecting other potential victims.
In Conclusion – Seek Talent and Expansion Safely and Confidently
As phishing and recruitment impersonation scams become more prevalent, protecting yourself requires constant vigilance. By staying aware of the typical signs of phishing attempts, trusting only verified communications from INS Global, and knowing how to report suspicious activity, you can safeguard your personal and financial information.
Remember, INS Global is committed to maintaining transparent and secure communications with our clients and candidates. If something seems off, don’t hesitate to verify with us directly.
By staying informed, you can better protect yourself from phishing attacks and avoid falling victim to company impersonation scams.