All You Need To Know About Other Types of Visas in China

Other types of Visas in China

Other types of Visas in China

August 5, 2019


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Other types of Visas in China

Non-Commerce Visa (F)

Issued to individuals who visit China for non-commerce purposes such as cultural, research, lecture and scientific exchanges, study tours and other activities. It is generally granted with a single or double entry, with a validity period between 30 to 90 days per visit.  

Tourist Visa (L)

This visa is provided to those who will travel to China for tourist purposes. The main requirements to acquire the Tourist Visa are to provide a valid flight ticket and proof of accommodation.

The period of duration of a Tourist Visa can vary from 30 to 60 days with single, double or multiple entry depending on the Chinese consulates. U.S. and Canadian citizens may benefit from a multiple entry tourist visa of up to 10 years.


Student Visa (X)

Issued to foreign students enrolled in a study program in a Chinese educational institution. There are two types of Student Visas: X1 and X2.

  • X1 Visa: Issued to foreign students who will stay in China for a period longer than 6 months. It has to be replaced by a Residence Permit within 30 days after arrival in China.
  • X2 Visa: Issued to foreign students who will stay in China for a period shorter than 6 months. It is a single entry visa and it usually applies to exchange program students.


Family Visit Visa (S)

Issued to direct “family members” who intend to accompany their relative who is working or studying in China. There are two types of Family Visit Visa: S1 (long term) and S2 (short term). The purpose of this visa is to allow legal residence in China. S Visa holders cannot work in the China. “Direct family members” or “immediate family members” applies to spouses, parents, sons, daughters, spouses of sons/daughters, grandchildren, brothers, sisters and parents-in-law. Relationship certificates (marriage certificate, birth certificate) must be provided to the Chinese authorities. There are two types of S Visas available: S1 and S2.

  • S1 Visa: Issued to family members intending to stay in China for a period longer than 180 days. After 30 days upon arrival to China, S1 Visa holders must register and apply for the Residence Permit at the Public Security Bureau and local police station.
  • S2 Visa: Issued to family members intending to stay in China for a period between 30 and 90 days per visit. It is also mandatory to provide a certificate of kinship.


Private Purpose Visa

Issued to individuals who wants to enter China for private reasons or purposes such as receiving a specific medical treatment in China.


Transit Visa (G)

Transit Visas are issued to those who are temporarily passing through China to arrive in a third-country destination. Since February 2016, travelers from 51 countries can stay 144 hours (6 days) in China without the need of a visa. This policy is valid in Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces.


Family Reunion Visa (Q)

Issued to individuals who are relatives of Chinese citizens. There are two types of Family Reunion visa depending on the duration: Q1 (long term) and Q2 (short term).

  • Q1 Visa: Issued for those planning to stay in China a period longer than 90 days and is only single entry.
  • Q2 Visa: Issued with a validity period from 30 to 180 days per visit, and in most cases includes multiple entries. US citizens may benefit from a multiple entry Family Reunion Visa, which is valid for up to 10 years.


Journalist Visa (J)

Issued to foreign journalists and media staff employed by foreign media and news companies. There are two types of Journalist Visa depending on the duration: J1 (long term) and J2 (short term).

  • J1 Visa: Issued to foreign media workers who intend to stay in China for a period longer than 180 days.
  • J2 Visa: Issued to foreign media workers who intend to stay in China for a period shorter than 180 days.



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