Employer of Record in Brazil & PEO | Hire Without Entity

Employer of Record in Brazil, PEO Brazil

Hire Globally, Pay Locally, Expand Effortlessly

A PEO (Professional Employer Organization) is a global employment outsourcing solution that allows companies to hire and operate overseas without needing an entity in their target market.  

A PEO cuts down on the time and costs necessary to expand internationally, making it a perfect partner for companies wishing to grow rapidly, safely, and efficiently.  

An international PEO, sometimes called an EOR (Employer of Record) lets companies hire and work with professionals worldwide in as little as 48 hours. As a cost-effective option for companies looking to expand quickly, an INS Global PEO in Brazil gives companies total compliance assurance in their target market through global mobility expertise.

An EOR (Employer of Record) is a third-party provider of employment outsourcing services that acts as an employer for tax and HR administrative purposes. INS Global’s EOR in Brazil allows companies to securely and cost-effectively hire and manage employees overseas in less than 48 hours.

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We prefer to let others grow their business.

Want to have a Team in Brazil TODAY?

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We prefer to let others grow their business.

Employer of Record in Brazil, PEO Brazil - Summary

Employer of Record in Brazil, PEO Brazil

Why Partner With a PEO? 5 Advantages

Absolute Compliance Wherever You are

A PEO utilizes the expertise of a team of legal specialists who have in-depth knowledge of your target market 

Faster Setup Time and Costs

Minimize the time and costs it takes to run your operations overseas and focus on what matters to your success 

Efficient Onboarding and Management Processes

Make the most of industry-specific tools designed to boost your productivity 

Follow Opportunities as They Arise

Let your PEO partner worry about the details of how you expand, while you take care of the tasks you need to succeed 

One Platform, Every Process

For a single monthly cost, you gain every tool you need to enter the Brazilian market successfully 

What Advantages Does a PEO Provide Over Company Incorporation in Brazil?

While company incorporation may be the first choice for many businesses looking to operate overseas, its often not the best option. Company incorporation requires a lot of complex processes, and the high costs make you liable for any minor error.  


  • Minimizes the time required to set up and start in Brazil 
  • Limits the amount of time it takes to manage day-to-day HR functions 
  • Gives you the capabilities of a team of HR specialists for a single monthly cost 
  • Brings you total legal compliance in your target market 

PEO/EOR vs Company Incorporation

The Advantage in Figures

PEO/EOR Company Incorporation
80% Less Expensive
Market Entry
2-5 Days
6 Months
Employee Turnover
Decrease by 14%
98% of the Current PEO Clients
Administrative Fees
Saves an Average of $450
Costly Payroll and Compliance Fines
Help Avoid
Company Growth Rate
7 – 9%
Closed During Pandemic


Company Incorporation


80% Less Expensive

Market Entry

2-5 Days

6 Months

Employee Turnover
Decrease by 14%
98% of the Current PEO Clients
Administrative Fees
Saves an Average of $450
Costly Payroll and Compliance Fines
Help Avoid
Company Growth Rate
7 – 9%
Closed During Pandemic
Employer of record brazil


Manuel Ramos


Managing Director

We think INS Global is a good solution about starting business in new and complex markets. Understanding the market doesn’t mean you need to set up a company immediately.


The Steps to Success with INS Global's PEO in Brazil

  1. Meet with our INS Global expansion advisor to create a plan that suits your exact needs 
  2. Use our local PEO structure to hire or transfer your staff to Brazil 
  3. Provide us with the minimal employee details we need to organize every HR function 
  4. Focus on your success while we take care of the rest of day-to-day tasks 

Go Global Fast with INS Global's PEO and EOR (Employer of Record) Services in Brazil

The Brazilian market is full of opportunities, but company incorporation processes and complex legal regulations can limit your ability to take advantage of them. INS Global’s PEO expertise gives you the tools you need to enter the Brazilian market in less than a week.  

Contact our INS Global team today to learn more.  

Employer of Record in Brazil, PEO Brazil


Discover More Solutions in Brazil


No, it is necessary to use a local entity abroad to comply with each country labor law.

Foreign companies can either set up a local entity in each country or use the services a local PEO (Professional Employment Organization) to hire the staff on-site directly.

The employer of record is the legal entity liable for the staff employed in a specific country. In practice, a foreign company can either open a subsidiary to become the employer of record of its abroad employees or use a PEO to act as the employer of record.

Liabilities may vary from country to country and include all the staff management responsibilities: labor contract issues, payroll management, and tax compliance, social security management, expenses claim declaration, hiring and termination
procedures, etc.

In general, 1-month is necessary to have an employee based out abroad using an existing PEO as the employe of record. When incorporating a new subsidiary to be the employer of record, the delay varies from 4-12 months.

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