5 Essential Global Recruitment Strategies | INS Global

5 Essential Global Recruitment Strategies

5 Essential Global Recruitment Strategies

September 23, 2022


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Key Takeaways

  1. Global recruitment thinking is needed to compete into today’s more international market.
  2. As well as bringing a number of benefits like enhanced diversity of hires, it requires new tools and methods to be successful.
  3. Partnering with RPO provider can allow you to make the most of the global market with less overall time and effort.

Growing international competition is forcing businesses to recognize the importance of expanding their range of global recruitment strategies. The most successful businesses are filling their teams with the best overseas talent.

However, there are essential distinctions between local employment and searching for talent overseas. Businesses must establish a detailed global staffing framework to help expand and attract the right employees.

This article discusses the international hiring strategies a global employer requires to succeed in today’s global recruitment market.

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Why is it Important to Have a Global Recruitment Strategy?

Firms need an international recruitment strategy to stay competitive in sourcing and hiring the most qualified employees. That strategy requires global talent acquisition, experience interviewing applicants, and streamlined worldwide onboarding.

Some of the biggest benefits of a global recruitment strategy are:

  • Employers can improve the quality of their hiring potential through better cultural and competency harmony.
  • There is more potential to recruit candidates with diverse experiences and skills.
  • HR can avoid many of the risks and dangers of international onboarding requirements.

Global Recruitment Strategies for Overseas Hiring

The following strategies are ways to enhance the way you search for talent overseas. Through a mix of innovative thinking and new communication technologies, you’ll find yourself with a much greater pool of potential candidates.

Diversify Your Idea of Global Talent

Location has typically controlled talent hiring, and employing diversified talent has been uncommon in the past as a result. However, remote workers have increased three to four times in the global workforce since the COVID-19 pandemic.

Many businesses that were once doubtful of this workforce evolution are now impressed with its enhanced access to global talent pools. Companies across the globe can now employ highly skilled people who are available in different time zones.

Some are slow to embrace the benefits of remote workers. However, taking the time now to fit them into your existing structures means instantly expanding the scale of your searches.

Carry Out Extensive Market Research

Before making a decision that costs time and money, businesses need to proceed cautiously to reduce any uncertainties.

If hiring globally, conducting extensive research on the markets you intend to source applicants from is suggested.

In addition, be careful not to depend on previous market experiences and apply them elsewhere. Every market differs in terms of cultural attitudes, states of hiring, competitors, and so on.

When researching overseas recruitment, consider the following:

  • Acknowledge cultural barriers, such as appropriate communication channels.
  • Evaluate your competition’s employment perks and compensation standards.
  • In-depth research helps to minimize potential recruiting mistakes like employing less qualified employees, or not valuing the ones you have.

Diversify Your Hiring Sourcing Methods

Success rates for sourcing channels vary by country. When searching for local professionals, social media is a convenient approach, providing extremely large numbers of monthly active users. Modern companies can form video recruitment campaigns on a social media site to entice younger applicants.

However, do not rely only on popular social media platforms if you want to recruit a diverse workforce. Some regions might prefer offline approaches that favor human relationships.

Finding local job boards and other business network groups provide a complete picture of the job market and talent pool.

Value and Accept Differing Cultural Norms

Consider the language you use when employing someone from a region where English is not the native tongue. Assess the differences in cultures and avoid using slang or phrases only found in one part of the world.

Certain cultures could require a professional tone, though others can be somewhat simple and informal. Applicants might not even speak comfortably about their achievements due to cultural norms. Because of this, it’s critical to consider the language and tone used during the interview.

Communicate clearly and be understanding with recruits. Concentrate on the meaning of the conversation instead of the accent, fluency, or grammar. At the same time, consider how this candidate would gel with your workers from other backgrounds or cultures.

Learn About Local Labor and Compensation Preferences

While background checks are standard worldwide, inquiring about details may not be an option everywhere.

Instead of asking an applicant about their monthly income, discuss their salary demands for the position. In addition, for tax or salary purposes it is beneficial to be familiar with the different currencies in your target market. How they may interact with your own can impact salary expectations and more.

Local employment laws may affect the way you search or the kind of employees you can hire. Being a responsible legal employer becomes even more important overseas when unfamiliar with the language or norms of the market.

Quick Tips Improve Global Staffing and Recruiting Strategies

  • Think about how you motivate international candidates to join your company. Consider job postings on different career sites, social media, or even online events with a varied user base.
  • Standardize your hiring strategy. Optimize your global efforts through consistency. Maintain branded and consistent proposals across all regions while being aware of local specific needs.
  • Ensure global compliance by cooperating with vendors with internationally recognized privacy standards and local laws that protect your information.

How Can Global Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Help?

RPO is a recruitment system where companies outsource the entire process start to end to a professional partner. This partner will provide industry software and search strategies to find the best in global talent for a fee.

An RPO provider will get to know a company’s needs, then use previously developed networks and resources to provide an expanded candidate list. They can even assist throughout the interviewing and onboarding stages.

This can even provide expertise in terms of local labor laws when it comes time to form employment agreements.

RPO provides professional quality recruitment and onboarding with an efficient pricing model. It’s particularly helpful because it frees up your current employees to work on other project while saving time on searches.

How INS Global Can Improve Your Global Recruiting Strategy

Introduce foreign talent to your team to broaden your workforce’s skills while also building on the global expansion of the business. 

INS Global supports organizations in making the recruiting process effective and straightforward.

Our RPO consultants are available to help select suitable applicants for your firm that best suit your specific situation and needs. Throughout the process, we ensure your organization is legally compliant by using our global Employer of Record (EOR) services. Similarly. our international PEO (Professional Employer Organization) services offers efficient employment outsourcing worldwide.

INS Global’s employment outsourcing solutions allow you to hire and expand quickly without a local legal entity in your target market. We also take care of human resources for you from the hiring process to day to day HR functions.

Get in touch with our professional advisors to learn more about how we can improve your company’s strategies.


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