7 Top Pharma and Biotech Recruitment Trends Today

7 Top Pharma and Biotech Recruitment Trends Today

7 Top Pharma and Biotech Recruitment Trends Today

October 19, 2023


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Key Takeaways

  1. Pharma and biotech recruitment is increasingly competitive due to growing specialist and generalist needs
  2. The pandemic, in particular, has brought new concerns around pharma and biotech safety and professionalism during clinical trials
  3. Professionals who can bridge different areas of expertise and collaborate effectively across interdisciplinary teams are in especially high demand /li>



In the dynamic world of pharmaceutical and biotech industries, staying ahead in talent acquisition is paramount. As the global landscape evolves, so do Pharma and Biotech recruitment trends.

A study made in 2023 of professionals in the Pharma and Biotech industries found that 67% of those interviewed were looking to change their jobs in the next 12 months. This creates both an opportunity and a challenge for recruitment professionals who will have access to this new talent but will also need to innovate the way they attract talent away from competitors.

To help professional companies in these sectors navigate the ever-changing environment of life sciences recruitment, here we present 7 key trends shaping these industries according to an INS Global recruitment expert.




The Growth of Gene and Cell Therapies Requiring New Expertise


The rise of gene and cell therapies is revolutionizing medicine. In 2020, it was projected that this emerging industry would be worth an estimated $14 billion by 2025. As a result, dozens of new facilities catering to the needs of this industry are being announced each year worldwide, bringing numerous jobs.

Consequently, the demand for experts in this field, ranging from research scientists to manufacturing specialists, is skyrocketing. Companies must invest in attracting and retaining these specialized talents to remain competitive.

New technologies like these have even higher minimum skill and qualifications requirements, so it’s left to companies recruiting in biotech and pharma to match requirements with the right incentives that will allow them to hire the best. These incentives will depend heavily on the seniority of the position being hired for and the local benchmarks of the market being searched. Having the support of a local advisor can be crucial in guiding you in the right direction.

Hiring new specialists will also mean that appropriate checks will need to be included in any recruitment process to ensure that candidates have the right levels of qualifications. This can be done using the next of our key pharma and biotech recruitment trends.


The Increasing Applications for AI and Machine Learning


Artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI and ML) have become indispensable tools in drug discovery, clinical trials, and data analysis. Recently, there have been year-on-year increases in the number of job posts requiring AI competencies. This is largely due to the perceived efficiency-boosting advantages that these skills are bringing to the industry as a whole, as well as the improvements in terms of safety and cost reduction.

As these are high-demand skills in a typically unrelated field, a recruiter looking for professionals with AI and ML skills will be competing with many others for attention. AI and ML skills are essential not only in the life sciences field today, but they can also be integrated into the recruitment process itself to help streamline and screen potential candidates either in-house or through a recruitment service with access to professional tools.

While these skills allow companies to harness the potential of these technologies for better decision-making and innovation, it will require new ways of thinking to attract these professionals into the biotech and pharma industries.


The Use of Other Global Markets to Fill in for Skill Shortages


Addressing talent shortages is no longer confined to local markets. With skills shortages acknowledged across the industry, pharma and biotech companies are expanding their talent search worldwide to fill in the gaps. However, navigating global legal regulations and local benchmarks across multiple regions can be a challenge.

Overseas hiring brings key advantages to biotech and pharma in particular. Beyond the immediate advantage of expanding the talent pool to encompass far greater numbers of applicants, diversity in the medical field is the perfect way to encourage international collaboration, driving global efforts forward.

For many companies, this may mean benefitting from multilingual new hires with experience in different markets that these companies may wish to expand to in the future. It can also provide a range of new perspectives that promote problem-solving and global thinking in existing teams.


The Implementation of Long-Term Flexible Working Arrangements (to Attract Talent and Build Global Teams)


To attract top-tier talent and build diverse, global teams, companies are embracing long-term flexible work arrangements. Remote work options and flexible hours are proven to improve work-life balance, widen the recruitment net, encourage employee satisfaction, and reduce time off in the long run.

When hiring in pharma and biotech, remote work options can be a way to entice better applicants and enable access to talent irrespective of global boundaries. However, this will require new ways of thinking regarding building a global working environment.

Some companies may see remote working options as a challenge that needs to be overcome, but forward-thinking recruiters are using it alongside flexible work options as new tools in their arsenal of incentives.


The Need for Regulatory Compliance Skills When Entering New Global Markets


Expansion into new international markets is a great strategic move, but it comes with new challenges thanks to complex regulatory landscapes. Regulatory compliance in biotech and pharma can mean many things, including data protection, checks on the safety of new products, legal steps during the company opening process, hiring diversity, and so on.

The pandemic, in particular, has brought new concerns around safety and professionalism during clinical trials to the forefront of people’s attention. Because this is such a key aspect of many industries’ requirements, companies are obliged to hire experts versed in navigating international regulatory frameworks to ensure a smooth market entry.

Hiring staff are now more and more pressed to find applicants that come with specific skills or experience in regulatory compliance. While large numbers of businesses are looking to outsource these skills in order to fulfill their needs, by factoring these needs into the recruitment process, companies can reduce the challenges they face later during expansion.


New Demand for Generalists


At the same time, as the demand for those with particular skills in new technologies or practices is growing, there is also a continued need for generalists. Professionals who can bridge different areas of expertise and collaborate effectively across interdisciplinary teams are in high demand. However, this is a particular concern in the pharma and biotech industries as they become more specific.

Generalists with flexible problem-solving skills are highly prized assets in evolving industries. With these generalists often not playing one particular role but instead being hired to pursue interdisciplinary projects or take on management positions, it can be difficult for recruiters to know what they are looking for. That’s why it’s more important than ever to include those with industry knowledge and experience in the hiring process, who can guide recruiters to the right talent.


Employer Branding Is More Important Than Ever 


In today’s competitive talent market, employer branding is a game-changer. With such a high demand for applicants with the right skills and knowledge, it’s up to companies to attract the best, and this means rethinking what makes your company the right choice for a potential applicant.

Companies that prioritize inclusive, flexible work with a sense of purpose are attracting the best talent, and they are ensuring that their employer brand, or EVP (Employer Value Proposition), is a positive part of any contract that workers have with the company. An attractive employer brand sets the stage for long-term success in recruitment and retention, and this means making sure that potential applicants know your company understands modern needs and can offer employee satisfaction.

Properly approaching good employer branding may now mean going beyond the traditional job posting sites or methods to use other avenues like social media and approaching applicants proactively. However, hiring teams within an HR department have to be sure that they are promising talent the right benefits for their industry or location and that they can also come through on those promises.


pharma and biotech recruitment



INS Global – Helping You Expand Your Pharma and Biotech Operations in 100+ Countries Worldwide


In this rapidly evolving landscape, pharmaceutical and biotech recruitment success hinges on embracing changing trends. INS Global, your trusted recruitment outsourcing services provider, can guide you through the challenges of international hiring and give you the best talent available in your target markets.

When tackling pharma and biotech hiring challenges, you need the best in today’s tech-forward recruitment tactics with the expertise and resources of a truly global recruitment agency. Because of this, a business that takes the time to get to know your company’s unique requirements is the ideal partner to be by your side throughout the entire process.

With INS Global’s recruitment services in 100+ countries worldwide, you can concentrate on key expansion objectives while knowing that your business is fully compliant with local and international laws. This is thanks to a service promise that provides every HR service you need to satisfy and protect your employees. We do this with the skill and local knowledge of our global expansion advisors and more than 15 years of experience in global expansion support.

Contact us today and stay ahead in the race for top talent, apply all the best practices, and streamline your international pharma and biotech hiring and management.




What are the main problems I can face when hiring in the pharma and biotech sectors?


Due to the specific knowledge and skills needed, the strict regulatory standards, and the global rivalry for top talent, the talent acquisition process in the pharma and biotech sectors can be difficult. Now more than ever, seeking the help of professionals in recruitment can be the best way to overcome these challenges.


How can I entice the best applicants to join my pharma or biotech company?


It’s a good idea to invest in developing a strong employer brand or EVP that emphasizes your business’s goals, values, and innovation. You can provide flexible working conditions, possibilities for career progression, and attractive salary packages that show a commitment to employee satisfaction.


What are the biggest current recruitment trends in pharmaceutical and biotech?


Key emerging pharma and biotech recruitment trends include the growth of gene and cell therapies, the use of AI and machine learning, tapping into global markets for talent, and promoting long-term, flexible work arrangements. All of these ideas require new ways of thinking in terms of hiring and employee retention strategies.


What kind of resources are available when looking for experts in gene and cell therapies?


Specialized pharma and biotech employment agencies can help you look in the right places for hidden talent, but you can also go to conferences unique to your field or use a wide array of digital platforms to proactively approach new talent.


What positions are now in high demand in the biotech and pharmaceutical sectors?


Data scientists, regulatory experts, clinical research professionals, and experts in AI and ML are among the positions that are currently in great demand. However, knowing the most recent pharma and biotech recruiting trends in the biotech industry is simply the first step toward better recruitment; you also need to think about your short- and long-term objectives when screening for the team members you’ll require.


How can I ensure that my recruitment strategy complies with international and local laws?


If you are in doubt during the recruitment process, consult a lawyer or work with seasoned international staffing companies familiar with the legal requirements in your markets. Businesses like INS Global can provide you with the most recent guidelines on pharma and biotech acquisition strategies in addition to legal compliance assurance during the recruiting process and beyond.


What are the advantages of employing generalists alongside experts in the pharma and biotech industries?


In addition to bridging departmental gaps, generalists can approach problem-solving from new angles or provide an overview. They are great assets in interdisciplinary teams, in particular, due to their adaptive and versatile .


How significant is company branding when hiring new employees?


Positive employer branding is essential in a competitive hiring field. Candidates in the pharma and biotech industries frequently look for employers who share their values and provide a purpose-driven workplace. As a result, top talent can be attracted and retained more easily if you build an employer brand that people want to work for.


Can pharmaceutical and biotech firms benefit from outsourcing recruitment?


Absolutely, outsourcing hiring to specialist companies versed in human resources procedures can result in time and resource savings. A specifically international recruiting firm partner gives you access to larger pharma and biotech job seeker talent pools across multiple countries, and assurance of compliance with industry-specific laws wherever you are.


Where can I find more information and assistance for hiring in the pharma and biotech industries?


Contact INS Global’s team of international expansion experts today to learn more about how you can hire safely, simply, and fearlessly in your target markets.




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