What are Staffing Agencies and EORs (Employer of Record)?

Staffing Agencies and EORs (Employer of Record): Key Differences

Staffing Agencies and EORs (Employer of Record): Key Differences

October 24, 2022


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Key Takeaways

  1. Staffing Agencies and EORs represent two very different ways to hire or transfer workers abroad
  2. EOR covers employer liabilities to simplify HR overseas
  3. Staffing agencies provide professional hiring resources globally

When looking to transfer or hire staff abroad, companies may wish to explore the benefits of outsourcing aspects of recruitment and employer responsibility management. Staffing agencies and global Employer of Record (EOR) services represent two ways to operate quickly, safely, and efficiently in the international market.

An EOR will hire staff and act as their employer on your behalf, allowing you market access without needing a separate company entity. Next, a staffing agency is a form of recruitment outsourcing that hires multiple workers quickly. Below, we look at these options and offer helpful advice about which solution best suits your needs and situation.

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EOR vs. Staffing Agency

How Can Employers Make the Most of Each Service?

Global EOR services are perfect for companies wishing to transfer or hire full-time and long-term workers in a new country. Overall, this service is the most suitable for companies who want to expand their services overseas without going through the complicated processes involved in overseas company incorporation.

On the other hand, staffing agency services are ideal for companies dealing with new projects requiring many workers or skills quickly. These services can even offer visa guidance, travel, and housing options to speed up and simplify expanding your staff team. So, a staffing agency also allows companies to hire short-term workers for particular projects or projects to scale up or down quickly.

Hiring Checklist to Improve Your Recruitment Process

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Both? 


  • Saves Time

Through an EOR, you can begin operations in a new overseas market in as little as 48 hours. Without having to open a new legal entity or manage HR services, employer of record services get you started now.

  • Assured Legal Compliance

An EOR takes charge of the various elements of overseas employment most likely to lead to compliance issues. These partners employ legal experts in your target markets to ensure you are never at risk.

  • More Streamlined Local Setup Procedures

Working in a new market makes setting up networks and systems even more complicated than it already is. This means working with an EOR provider gives you unique access to developed local resources from day one.

  • An Image of Less Direct Control

Many companies may feel that an EOR structure will have undue influence on how their workers operate overseas. In fact, you retain complete control of a worker’s day-to-day operations. However, focusing more on the initial integration of overseas staff into existing company structures can be useful.

  • A Need to Integrate New Systems into Current HR Structures

An EOR provider will manage all necessary HR support functions for your employees. However, they may still require your current HR functions to be adapted to take international payments into account.

  • More Work is Needed to Remodel the Way Your Teams Work Worldwide

Adapting to the digital workplace may be difficult for those working overseas, either remotely or via new branches. So, it can require your current staff to be trained in new communication methods or to recognize problems such as proximity bias before they can manifest in the workforce.

Staffing Agencies and EORs (Employer of Record)

Staffing Agency

  • Saves Time and Money

There’s no faster way to find and employ multiple overseas staff than a staffing agency. This is because they are are experts in finding the right workers for your unique needs in a way that allows you to focus on growth.

  • Recruitment Expertise in Every Market You Need

It doesn’t matter which industry you work in or where in the world you are starting a project. Because of this, a staffing agency has the knowledge and expertise you need to integrate local best practices and resources.

  • Streamlined Selection and Hiring Processes

By outsourcing the lengthiest and complex parts of the recruitment process, you ensure your workers work directly towards your long-term success.

  • Less Direct Control

By working with a staffing partner, you save on the time spent on screening and selecting. However, this may make managers concerned that they aren’t directly involved in the initial hiring process. Accordingly, it is vital to ensure managers feel in control of the final decision.

  • A Risk of Overlooking Specialized Skills

Companies dealing with specialized industries must ensure that a chosen staffing partner has the right experience and knowledge to hire workers with essential skills. This may involve more effort to check that the staffing partner includes necessary experience or safety requirements in their search for workers.

  • A Disconnect with New Workers

Many companies may feel that hiring workers through a staffing option could make their new hires less connected to their internal processes and structures. Because of this, it’s essential to integrate new staff smoothly and quickly.

Staffing Agencies and EORs (Employer of Record)

What are the Liabilities Involved for You in Each Service?

An EOR takes on many of the most common liabilities associated with overseas employment. These include payroll, taxes, employee insurance, and labor regulations compliance. As a result, you can enter new markets fearlessly without worrying about tackling unfamiliar regulatory systems in other languages.

Because of the more limited services a staffing agency offers, you should remember that you retain full liability for all workers. This applies to every step from recruitment and payroll to insurance and termination notices.

Global PEO

Hire Worldwide with INS Global

So, whatever your overseas employment needs, INS Global has services to improve your international expansion. Make recruitment simpler via our staffing and recruitment process outsourcing (RPO solution) in more than 80 countries worldwide.

At the same time, our PEO services (Professional Employer Organization) and EOR solutions allow you to expand effortlessly to new markets worldwide without needing local entities. HR outsourcing companies like INS saves you time and provide access to key local advantages, perfect for large or small businesses.

Project RPO and HR solutions offer you professional account management for recruitment, multicountry payroll, tax and benefits management, and more.

As a result, our experts can support and guide the expansion process from beginning to end. Our HR outsourcing services mean you can always boost the efficiency of your international structures through a streamlined technological approach to HR tasks during your global expansion.

So, contact us today to learn more about how we can help you grow your business worldwide and get you started on the next step of your development.


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