Hire through a PEO in Finland in 2025 by INS Global

Hire through a PEO in Finland in 2024

Hire Globally, Pay Locally, Expand Effortlessly

For companies considering an expansion to Finland, there are various ways in which they can enter and set up operations. In recent times one of the more common modes of entry is through a Professional Employment Organization (PEO).

A PEO (Professional Employer Organization) offers companies around the world a quick and safe way to expand their operations to overseas markets by taking charge of essential HR services. Through a PEO in Finland, companies can hire and manage employees overseas in as little as 48h.

An Employer of Record (EOR) in Finland provides companies with a cost-efficient and secure way to follow global expansion strategies by acting as the employer for oversees workers to simplify tax and compliance assurance responsibilities. 

For companies looking to boost their global mobility potential, INS Global’s EOR provides the perfect mix of experience and expertise in the international market.

Currently present in 160+ countries worldwide, INS Global has a reputable name as a PEO service provider.

Want to have a Team in Finland TODAY?

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We prefer to let others grow their business.

Want to have a Team in Finland TODAY?

Show me how to grow my business now!

We prefer to let others grow their business.

PEO/EOR vs Company Incorporation

The Advantage in Figures

PEO/EOR Company Incorporation
80% Less Expensive
Market Entry
2-5 Days
6 Months
Employee Turnover
Decrease by 14%
98% of the Current PEO Clients
Administrative Fees
Saves an Average of $450
Costly Payroll and Compliance Fines
Help Avoid
Company Growth Rate
7 – 9%
Closed During Pandemic


Company Incorporation


80% Less Expensive

Market Entry

2-5 Days

6 Months

Employee Turnover
Decrease by 14%
98% of the Current PEO Clients
Administrative Fees
Saves an Average of $450
Costly Payroll and Compliance Fines
Help Avoid
Company Growth Rate
7 – 9%
Closed During Pandemic

Hire through a PEO in Finland in 2024 - Summary

Hire through a PEO in Finland in 2024

5 Advantages of a PEO in Finland

Enter markets quickly and start your operations

You can hire your staff, get set up and begin your operations in a short space of time.

Save on expensive overhead costs

With no need to follow expensive incorporation procedures or even establish a physical presence in a foreign country, PEOs save you time and money.

Solutions for short or long-term needs

Whether you are looking to fulfill a single project or establish yourself in Finland in the long term, a PEO company can offer you a range of services to meet your evolving demands.

Ease your administrative burdens

For companies that may not have the budget or staffing to operate entire HR departments that can manage HR operations for overseas workers, PEOs provide all the services required to function efficiently.

This allows you to focus on more strategic tasks that contribute to overall success.

Combine all your HR needs into one convenient point of contact

By partnering with a professional HR outsourcing provider, you gain the skills and capabilities of an entire team of HR professionals, all of which can be accessed by a simple email.

How is a PEO Preferred Over Company Incorporation?

A PEO solution offers an efficient alternative to the usual company incorporation process and is seen by many as the preferred solution, here’s why:

  • A simple process – incorporating an entity can be a long and complicated process, especially if you are unfamiliar with local protocols.
  • Using the services of a PEO allows you to bypass the company setup and hire employees immediately.
  • Fast access – unlike with company incorporation, which can require months of preparation time, you can get started in a matter of days with a PEO.
  • Access to an HR team – by outsourcing your HR operations to a PEO service, you can access a complete suite of HR functions alongside expert global expansion support.


Manuel Ramos


Managing Director

We think INS Global is a good solution about starting business in new and complex markets. Understanding the market doesn’t mean you need to set up a company immediately.


How Does a Finland PEO Work Exactly?

The process to getting started in Finland consists of a few easy steps with INS Global:

  1. You provide us with an overview of the project, detailing the scope of your needs and highlighting any concerns. You will then receive tailored recommendations that are best suited to your business requirements.
  2. Your employees will then be hired and onboarded in line with local regulations through our PEO in Finland.
  3. The entire operation of providing administration and required onboarding processes is then taken care of by INS Global.
  4. While we take care of the HR steps, you can begin your business operations and focus on growth. 

The Difference Between an EOR in Finland and an international PEO

While often misunderstood as synonymous with a PEO, a global Employer of Record (EOR) acts as the entity that legally hires and manages your staff on your behalf and while a PEO generally offers HR services as a third-party company. 

With both PEO and EOR services, you gain access to an entire external HR department, which can handle all administrative and regulatory functions on your behalf.

INS Global offers both PEO and EOR services in Finland to meet your demands. Contact our team of specialists today to discuss your circumstances and see which may be best for you.

Labor Law in Finland (2024 Updated)

Employment Contracts In Finland

While written employment contracts are not required, employers must provide an employee with a written statement containing the key terms of employment before the employee’s first salary period. This document should include:

  • The main duties of the employee
  • Type of employment and duration of the contract (if it’s a fixed-term contract)
  • Any applicable collective agreement
  • Probationary period
  • Wage or salary terms

Working hours and holiday periods

Working hours and Overtime in Finland

 In Finland, working time includes the daily hours worked and the time the employee is obliged to be at the site of work. Generally, the maximum working hours are 8 hours a day or 40 hours per week.
The Working Time Act also provides other ways of arranging the working hours within the prescribed limits for purposes of flexibility.

Overtime pay in Finland is 150% of standard pay.

Holidays and Paid Leave

Employees are entitled to 2.5 weekdays of paid annual leave for each month of service. Every calendar month with at least 14 days is counted for this purpose.

Generally, annual paid leave period is granted as a continuous period during the summer holiday (between May and September). 

Within certain limitations, alternative leave periods are generally left to the employer’s discretion. There are 12 days of annual public holidays in Finland during which an employer must provide time off or holiday pay.

Sick Leave Policy

Inability to work due to illness or injury is considered an exception to the general rule, which states that remuneration needs only be made for work actually done.

An employee becomes entitled to at least 9 days of sick leave pay after 1 month of employment has been completed.

If an employee has been working for less than a month, the employee will be entitled to only half of their wage for the period of disability.

Maternity and Paternity Leave

Maternity leave starts between 50-30 working days before the due date. At the start of maternity leave, the mother is entitled to Finnish social insurance (known as Kela), which will pay for 105 working days.

Finnish law also permits fathers to take paternity leave for a maximum of 54 working days.

Finnish social insurance will contribute to the father’s income during this time for a period of 3 weeks.

Tax Law and Social Security Contributions

Residents of Finland are taxed on their worldwide income at progressive rates for national tax purposes. In contrast, a flat rate is imposed for municipal taxes (16.5-23.5% based on the locality). The lowest national income tax bracket starts at 6%, while the highest is currently set at 31.25%.

Non-resident individuals based in Finland are only taxed on their Finnish-sourced income. Income tax for non-residents is set at 35%. Employers are expected to contribute between 19.2-21.4% of an employee’s salary to their social security contributions.

Hire through a PEO in Finland in 2024


Discover More Solutions in Finland


Payroll, contract management, and ensuring tax compliance are important HR responsibilities that a reliable Finland PEO or EOR can handle for a monthly charge based on a portion of the wage of the co-employed personnel. 

You may legally, securely, and efficiently transfer employees or hire new ones by working with a Finland EOR. This technique makes outsourcing acceptable for both short- and long-term projects. 

An employee who is co-employed by an EOR may have access to a variety of services, including improved employee benefits, comprehensive legal protection, local understanding of all employer requirements, timely and accurate payment, and more. 

While maintaining complete control over their work process, contractors who interact with clients through an EOR or Finnish PEO have access to many of the same perks and protections as regular workers. 

Yes, an EOR safeguards you everywhere you travel while taking into account any modifications to local or regional labor regulations. 

With certain PEO businesses, there can be a minimum or maximum amount of employees you can hire. However, you can hire and outsource the HR of as many individuals as your plans require using INS Global’s expansion services. 

In addition to salaries and any payments made to recruiting agencies or experts, payroll expenditures must also include any additional or indirect costs like social insurance contributions, bonuses, or incentives. 

Even though signing incentives are optional, they must be included when estimating the cost of conducting competitive international hiring. 

Employees of a company with a presence in Finland should have the option of choosing between a physical workplace and a home office to provide the most competitive package to potential applicants. 

Our recruitment staff can assist you in finding the finest new team members in Finland via access to professional networks, in-depth knowledge of both offline and online business resources, expertise in adhering to local best practices, and more. 

INS Global uses the latest hiring technologies and sector-specific information to help you locate the best candidates among Finnish citizens and foreign residents. When we hire on your behalf, we take into account any changes in local norms and regulations surrounding nationality to prevent potential issues. 

Employing an EOR is a fast, easy, and secure option for businesses of all sizes, from SMEs to multinational organizations. 

With our legal expertise being suited for anybody who either lacks their own internal structures or wants to prevent scaling concerns while expanding, INS globally offers vital PEO or worldwide Employer of Record services to enterprises in a variety of sectors.  

Independent contractors may be hired directly or through a middleman, such as a staffing agency or an umbrella business. Through networking, job boards, social media, trade organizations, and other means, you might be able to find the finest contractors to meet your demands. 

Independent contractors frequently run their own businesses or are the owners of small ones through which they may charge clients. Because of this, they need to be engaged via a work agreement for certain tasks rather than through an employment contract. 

An independent contractor can be asked to provide a CV, portfolio, verified references, and potentially a signed NDA before beginning. But depending on your needs, the hiring process could alter.  

Registered payroll in Finland is only necessary if a company is paying 2 or more employees regularly. Companies are required to manage all tax and social security contributions on an employee’s behalf, including making deductions from a worker’s gross salary.  

While there is no nationally mandated minimum wage in Finland, most workers have CBA agreements or individual contracts stating basic wage requirements.  

Those seeking to live and work in Finland for an extended time should apply for a residence permit. The longest available time for any single visa is 5 years with the first permit generally being granted for 1 year. 

There is a fast-track stream for residence permits which is open to many applicants including those with highly-sought professional qualifications or EU Blue Cards.  

Employees in Finland are taxed on all income earned in Finland (with worldwide income being taxable for Finnish citizens). Employers are expected to manage an employee’s national income tax, municipal income tax, church tax, and social security contributions. 

The exact amount that employers are expected to contribute towards an employee’s social security varies according to age but is equivalent to around 20% on average.  

Employees in Finland have health insurance, accident insurance, unemployment insurance, a pension, as well as all the usual types of paid leave (i.e. annual leave, parental leave, sick leave).  

Employers in Finland can change some nonessential aspects of an employment contract unilaterally. However, significant or essential changes must have the express permission of the employee.  

The vast majority of healthcare in Finland is provided through the public healthcare system. In general, while not free, Finnish healthcare is heavily subsidized via taxes, with most employees also benefitting from supplementary health insurance.  

Termination can only be done in Finland when done on justifiable grounds, which can be either due to employee fault or extenuating circumstances.  

Notice periods range from 14 days (for contracts of up to 1 year) to 6 months (for contracts of over 12 years).  

Severance pay varies widely from 3-24 months’ salary based on seniority.  

The Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) authorities regulate most day-to-day enforcement of workplace and labor protections. They fall under the authority of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.  

Finland has 12 paid national public holidays per year with employees working on holidays eligible for double pay or time off.  

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